Sie sind hier: Startseite Evolutionsbiologie & Ökologie Niehuis Lab Niehuis Lab Members

Niehuis Lab Members


Postdocs and Senior Scientists


Dr. Jens Runge

Room: 1031
E-Mail: jens.runge@biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Phone: ++49 / 761 / 203 - 2531


Research Technicians


Bettina Dobrescu
Room: 1032
E-Mail: bettina.dobrescu@biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Phone: ++49 / 761 / 203 - 8346

 Wolf Haberer
Room: 1032
E-Mail: wolf.haberer@biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Phone: ++49 / 761 / 203 - 8346



Undergraduate and Graduate Students


Finn Brunßen (Master student)
Room: 1035

Elvira Hafner (Bachelor student)
External student

Sophia Jack
(Bachelor student)
Room: 1035

Amelie Kienzle (Bachelor student)
Room: 1026

Ruben Knör
(Master student)
Room: 1034

Fabian Schweitzer (Ph. D. candidate; co-supervision with PD Dr. Volker Nehring)
Room: 1034
E-Mail: a01347887@unet.univie.ac.at

Maike Stephan (Master student)
Room: 1035

Alexandra Weisshaar (
Master student)
External student


Visiting Scientists








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