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Driever - Publications

| since 2015 | 2010 - 2014 | 2005 - 2009 | 2000 - 2004 | 1995 - 1999 | 1988 - 1994 |

Publications since 2015



  • Altbürger C, Rath M, Armbruster D, Driever W. Neurog1 und Olig2 integrieren Muster- und Neurogenesesignale bei der Entwicklung von dopaminergen und dopaminergen Zebrafischen glutamaterge Dual-Transmitter-Neuronen. Entwickler Biol. 2024 Jan;505:85-98. PUBMED
  • Altbürger C, Rath M, Wehrle J, Driever W. Die proneuralen Faktoren Ascl1a und Ascl1b trägt zur terminalen Differenzierung des dopaminergen GABAergen Duals bei Senderneuronen im Zebrafisch. Entwickler Biol. 2024 Jan.;505:58-74. PUBMED.
  • Kapp FG, Kretschmer S, Beckmann CCA, Wäsch L, Molitor A, Carapito R, Schubert M, Lucas N, Conrad S, Poignant S, Isidor B, Rohlfs M, Kisaarslan AP, Schanze D, Zenker M, Schmitt-Graeff A, Strahm B, Peters A, Yoshimi A, Driever W, Zillinger T, Günther C, Maharana S, Guan K, Klein C, Ehl S, Niemeyer CM, Unal E, Bahram S, Hauck F, Lee-Kirsch MA, Speckmann C. C-Terminal-Varianten im CDC42-Antrieb Typ I Interferon-abhängige Autoinflammation beim NOCARH-Syndrom reversibel durch Ruxolitinib. Clin Immunol. 2023 Nov;256:109777. PUBMED
  • Riesle AJ, Gao M, Rosenblatt M, Hermes J, Hass H, Gebhard A, Veil M, Grüning B, Timmer J, Onichtchouk D. Aktivator-Blocker-Modell der Transkription Regulierung durch pionierhafte Faktoren. Nat Commun. 14.09.2023;14(1):5677. PUBMED.
  • Altbürger C, Holzhauser J, Driever W. CRISPR/Cas9-basierter QF2-Knock-In am Der Tyrosinhydroxylase (th)-Locus zeigt eine neue th-Expression Neuronenpopulationen im Mittel- und Hinterhirn des Zebrafisches. Vorderes Neuroanat. 2023 2. August;17:1196868. PUBMED
  • Galitsyna A, Ulianov SV, Bykov NS, Veil M, Gao M, Perevoschikova K, Gelfand M, Razin SV, Mirny L, Onichtchouk D. Extrusionsbrunnen sind Markenzeichen von Chromosomenorganisation, die sich aus der Aktivierung des zygotischen Genoms ergibt. bioRxiv [Vorabdruck]. 2023 Juli 15:2023.07.15.549120. PUBMED
  • Sigloch C, Spitz D, Driever W. Ein Netzwerk von Notch-abhängigen und -unabhängigen Ihre Gene steuern neurale Stamm- und Vorläuferzellen im Thalamus des Zebrafisches Verbreitungsgebiet. Entwicklung. 1. April 2023;150(7):dev201301. PUBMED
  • Baranasic D, Hortenhuber M, Balwierz PJ, Zehnder T, Mukarram AK, Nepal C, Várnai C, Hadzhiev Y, Jimenez-Gonzalez A, Li N, Wragg J, D'Orazio FM, Relic D, Pachkov M, Díaz N, Hernández-Rodríguez B, Chen Z, Stoiber M, Dong M, Stevens I, Ross SE, Eagle A, Martin R, Obasaju O, Rastegar S, McGarvey AC, Kopp W, Chambers E, Wang D, Kim HR, Acemel RD, Naranjo S, Lapinski M, Chong V, Mathavan S, Peers B, Sauka-Spengler T, Vingron M, Carninci P, Ohler U, Lacadie SA, Burgess SM, Winata C, van Eeden F, Vaquerizas JM, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Onichtchouk D, Brown BJ, Bogdanovic O, van Nimwegen E, Westerfield M, Wardle FC, Daub CO, Lenhard B, Müller F. Multiomischer Atlas mit funktioneller Schichtung und Entwicklung Dynamik der cis-regulatorischen Elemente von Zebrafischen. Nat Genet. 2022 Jul;54(7):1037-1050. PUBMED
  • Carstensen MB, Medvetzky A, Weinberger A, Driever W, Gothilf Y, Rath MF. Genetische Ablation des Bsx-Homöodomänen-Transkriptionsfaktors im Zebrafisch: Auswirkungen auf die Morphologie der reifen Zirbeldrüse und das zirkadiane Verhalten. J Pineal Res. 2022 Mai;72(4):e12795. PUBMED
  • Gao M, Veil M, Rosenblatt M, Riesle AJ, Gebhard A, Hass H, Buryanova L, Yampolsky LY, Grüning B, Ulianov SV, Timmer J, Onichtchouk D. Pluripotenz Faktoren bestimmen das Genexpressionsrepertoire bei der Aktivierung des zygotischen Genoms. Nat Komm. 10. Februar 2022;13(1):788. PUBMED
  • Westphal M, Panza P, Kastenhuber E, Wehrle J, Driever W. Wnt/β-catenin Die Signalübertragung fördert die Neurogenese im dienzephalospinalen dopaminergen System von embryonaler Zebrafisch. Sci Rep. 2022 Jan 19;12(1):1030. PUBMED
  • Siebert J, Schneider M, Reuter-Schmitt D, Würtemberger J, Neubüser A, Driever W, Hettmer S, Kapp FG. Rhabdomyosarcoma xenotransplants in zebrafish embryos. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023 Jan;70(1):e30053. doi: 10.1002/pbc.30053. PUBMED
  • Bell LM, Holm A, Matysiak U, Driever W, Rößler J, Schanze D, Wieland I, Niemeyer CM, Zenker M, Kapp FG. Functional assessment of two variants of unknown significance in TEK by endothelium-specific expression in zebrafish embryos. Hum Mol Genet. 2021 Dec 17;31(1):10-17. PUBMED
  • Asgharsharghi A, Tian W, Haehnel-Taguchi M, López-Schier H. Sarm1 is dispensable for mechanosensory-motor transformations in zebrafish. MicroPubl Biol. 2021 Mar 3;2021:10.17912/micropub.biology.000369. PUBMED
  • Schredelseker T, Veit F, Dorsky RI, Driever W. Bsx Is Essential for Differentiation of Multiple Neuromodulatory Cell Populations in the Secondary Prosencephalon. Front Neurosci. 2020 Jun 3;14:525. PUBMED
  • Westphal M, Sant P, Hauser AT, Jung M, Driever W. Chemical Genetics Screen Identifies Epigenetic Mechanisms Involved in Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Neurogenesis in Zebrafish. Front Genet. 2020 Feb 25;11:80. PUBMED
  • Schredelseker T, Driever W. Conserved Genoarchitecture of the Basal Hypothalamus in Zebrafish Embryos. Front Neuroanat. 2020 Feb 6;14:3. PUBMED
  • Bakhmet EI, Nazarov IB, Gazizova AR, Vorobyeva NE, Kuzmin AA, Gordeev MN, Sinenko SA, Aksenov ND, Artamonova TO, Khodorkovskii MA, Alenina N, Onichtchouk D, Wu G, Schöler HR, Tomilin AN. hnRNP-K Targets Open Chromatin in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells in Concert with Multiple Regulators. Stem Cells. 2019 Aug;37(8):1018-1029. PUBMED
  • Iarovaia OV, Minina EP, Sheval EV, Onichtchouk D, Dokudovskaya S, Razin SV, Vassetzky YS. Nucleolus: A Central Hub for Nuclear Functions. Trends Cell Biol. 2019 Aug;29(8):647-659. PUBMED
  • Veil M, Yampolsky LY, Grüning B, Onichtchouk D. Pou5f3, SoxB1, and Nanog remodel chromatin on high nucleosome affinity regions at zygotic genome activation. Genome Res. 2019 Mar;29(3):383-395. PUBMED
  • Haehnel-Taguchi M, Akanyeti O, Liao JC. Behavior, Electrophysiology, and Robotics Experiments to Study Lateral Line Sensing in Fishes. Integr Comp Biol. 2018 Nov 1;58(5):874-883. PUBMED
  • Driever W. Developmental Biology: Reissner's Fiber and Straightening of the Body Axis. Curr Biol. 2018 Aug 6;28(15):R833-R835. PUBMED
  • Schredelseker T, Driever W. Bsx controls pineal complex development. Development. 2018 Jul 9;145(13):dev163477. PUBMED
  • Kapp FG, Perlin JR, Hagedorn EJ, Gansner JM, Schwarz DE, O'Connell LA, Johnson NS, Amemiya C, Fisher DE, Wölfle U, Trompouki E, Niemeyer CM, Driever W, Zon LI. Protection from UV light is an evolutionarily conserved feature of the haematopoietic niche. Nature. 2018 Jun;558(7710):445-448. PUBMED
  • Haehnel-Taguchi M, Fernandes AM, Böhler M, Schmitt I, Tittel L, Driever W. Projections of the Diencephalospinal Dopaminergic System to Peripheral Sense Organs in Larval Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Front Neuroanat. 2018 Mar 19;12:20. PUBMED
  • Eckerle S, Ringler M, Lecaudey V, Nitschke R, Driever W. Progesteron moduliert die Dynamik der Mikrotubuli und das Fortschreiten der Epibolie bei Zebrafischen. Gastrulation. Entwickler Biol. 15. Februar 2018;434(2):249-266. PUBMED
  • Veil M, Schaechtle MA, Gao M, Kirner V, Buryanova L, Grethen R, Onichtchouk D, Maternales Nanog ist für die Architektur des Zebrafischembryos und für die Zelle erforderlich Lebensfähigkeit während der Gastrulation. Entwicklung. 9. Jan. 2018;145(1):dev155366. PUBMED
  • Reinig, S., Driever, W., and Arrenberg, A.B. (2017). The Descending Diencephalic Dopamine System Is Tuned to Sensory Stimuli. Curr Biol 27, 318–333. PUBMED
  • Martinez, A.F., Abe, Y., Hong, S., Molyneux, K., Yarnell, D., Löhr, H., Driever, W., Acosta, M.T., Arcos-Burgos, M., and Muenke, M. (2016). An Ultraconserved Brain-Specific Enhancer Within ADGRL3 (LPHN3) Underpins Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Susceptibility. Biol. Psychiatry 80, 943–954. PUBMED 
  • Driever, W. (2016). A Cue for Driving Large-Scale Cell Movement. Dev Cell 37, 201–202. PUBMED
  • Bert, B., Chmielewska, J., Bergmann, S., Busch, M., Driever, W., Finger-Baier, K., Hößler, J., Köhler, A., Leich, N., Misgeld, T., et al. (2016). Considerations for a European animal welfare standard to evaluate adverse phenotypes in teleost fish. Embo J 35, 1151–1154. PUBMED
  • Onichtchouk, D., and Driever, W. (2016). Zygotic Genome Activators, Developmental Timing, and Pluripotency. Curr Top Dev Biol 116, 273–297. PUBMED
  • Jank, T., Eckerle, S., Steinemann, M., Trillhaase, C., Schimpl, M., Wiese, S., van Aalten, D.M.F., Driever, W., and Aktories, K. (2015). Tyrosine glycosylation of Rho by Yersinia toxin impairs blastomere cell behaviour in zebrafish embryos. Nat Comms 6, 7807. PUBMED
  • Hu, Z., Holzschuh, J., and Driever, W. (2015). Loss of DDB1 Leads to Transcriptional p53 Pathway Activation in Proliferating Cells, Cell Cycle Deregulation, and Apoptosis in Zebrafish Embryos. PLoS ONE 10, e0134299. PUBMED


Top - nach obenPublications 2010 - 2014


  • Koch, P., Löhr, H.B., and Driever, W. (2014). A Mutation in cnot8, Component of the Ccr4-Not Complex Regulating Transcript Stability, Affects Expression Levels of Developmental Regulators and Reveals a Role of Fgf3 in Development of Caudal Hypothalamic Dopaminergic Neurons. PLoS ONE 9, e113829. PUBMED
  • Manoli, M., and Driever, W. (2014). nkx2.1 and nkx2.4 genes function partially redundant during development of the zebrafish hypothalamus, preoptic region, and pallidum. Front. Neuroanat. 8, 1–39. PUBMED
  • Filippi, A., Mueller, T., and Driever, W. (2014). Vglut2 and gad expression reveal distinct patterns of dual GABAergic versus glutamatergic cotransmitter phenotypes of dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons in the zebrafish brain. J Comp Neurol 522, 2019–2037. PUBMED
  • Kubo, F., Hablitzel, B., Maschio, M.D., Driever, W., Baier, H., and Arrenberg, A.B. (2014). Functional Architecture of an Optic Flow-Responsive Area that Drives Horizontal Eye Movements in Zebrafish. Neuron 81, 1344–1359. PUBMED
  • Kotkamp, K., Kur, E., Wendik, B., Polok, B.K., Ben-Dor, S., Onichtchouk, D., and Driever, W. (2014). Pou5f1/Oct4 Promotes Cell Survival via Direct Activation of mych Expression during Zebrafish Gastrulation. PLoS ONE 9, e92356. PUBMED
  • Kotkamp, K., Mössner, R., Allen, A., Onichtchouk, D., and Driever, W. (2014). A Pou5f1/Oct4 dependent Klf2a, Klf2b, and Klf17 regulatory sub-network contributes to EVL and ectoderm development during zebrafish embryogenesis. Dev Biol 385, 433–447 PUBMED
  • Lippok, B., Song, S., and Driever, W. (2014). Pou5f1 protein expression and posttranslational modification during early zebrafish development. Dev Dyn 243, 468–477 PUBMED
  • Fernandes, A.M., Beddows, E., Filippi, A., and Driever, W. (2013). Orthopedia Transcription Factor otpa and otpb Paralogous Genes Function during Dopaminergic and Neuroendocrine Cell Specification in Larval Zebrafish. PLoS ONE 8, e75002. PUBMED
  • Arrenberg, A.B., and Driever, W. (2013). Integrating anatomy and function for zebrafish circuit analysis. Front Neural Circuits 7, 74. PUBMED
  • Bader, H.L., Lambert, E., Guiraud, A., Malbouyres, M., Driever, W., Koch, M., and Ruggiero, F. (2013). Zebrafish collagen XIV is transiently expressed in epithelia and is required for proper function of certain basement membranes. J Biol Chem 288, 6777-6787. PUBMED
  • Bensch, R., Song, S., Ronneberger, O., and Driever, W. (2013). Non-directional radial intercalation dominates deep cell behavior during zebrafish epiboly. Biol Open 2, 845-854. PUBMED
  • Fernandes, A.M., Fero, K., Driever, W., and Burgess, H.A. (2013). Enlightening the brain: Linking deep brain photoreception with behavior and physiology. Bioessays 35, 775-779. PUBMED
  • Leichsenring, M., Maes, J., Mossner, R., Driever, W., and Onichtchouk, D. (2013). Pou5f1 transcription factor controls zygotic gene activation in vertebrates. Science 341, 1005-1009. PUBMED
  • Mikut, R., Dickmeis, T., Driever, W., Geurts, P., Hamprecht, F.A., Kausler, B.X., Ledesma-Carbayo, M.J., Maree, R., Mikula, K., Pantazis, P., et al. (2013). Automated processing of zebrafish imaging data: a survey. Zebrafish 10, 401-421. PUBMED
  • Schweitzer, J., Lohr, H., Bonkowsky, J.L., Hubscher, K., and Driever, W. (2013). Sim1a and Arnt2 contribute to hypothalamo-spinal axon guidance by regulating Robo2 activity via a Robo3-dependent mechanism. Development 140, 93-106. PUBMED
  • Song, S., Eckerle, S., Onichtchouk, D., Marrs, J.A., Nitschke, R., and Driever, W. (2013). Pou5f1-dependent EGF expression controls E-cadherin endocytosis, cell adhesion, and zebrafish epiboly movements. Dev Cell 24, 486-501. PUBMED
  • Vannier, C., Mock, K., Brabletz, T., and Driever, W. (2013). Zeb1 regulates E-cadherin and Epcam (epithelial cell adhesion molecule) expression to control cell behavior in early zebrafish development. J Biol Chem 288, 18643-18659. PUBMED
  • Fernandes, A.M., Fero, K., Arrenberg, A.B., Bergeron, S.A., Driever, W., and Burgess, H.A. (2012). Deep brain photoreceptors control light-seeking behavior in zebrafish larvae. Curr Biol 22, 2042-2047. PUBMED
  • Filippi, A., Jainok, C., and Driever, W. (2012). Analysis of transcriptional codes for zebrafish dopaminergic neurons reveals essential functions of Arx and Isl1 in prethalamic dopaminergic neuron development. Dev Biol 369, 133-149. PUBMED
  • Manoli, M., and Driever, W. (2012). Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) of fluorescently tagged cells from zebrafish larvae for RNA isolation. Cold Spring Harb Protoc 2012. PUBMED
  • Ronneberger, O., Liu, K., Rath, M., Ruebeta, D., Mueller, T., Skibbe, H., Drayer, B., Schmidt, T., Filippi, A., Nitschke, R., et al. (2012). ViBE-Z: a framework for 3D virtual colocalization analysis in zebrafish larval brains. Nat Methods 9, 735-742. PUBMED
  • Schweitzer, J., Lohr, H., Filippi, A., and Driever, W. (2012). Dopaminergic and noradrenergic circuit development in zebrafish. Dev Neurobiol 72, 256-268. PUBMED
  • Temerinac-Ott, M., Ronneberger, O., Ochs, P., Driever, W., Brox, T., and Burkhardt, H. (2012). Multiview deblurring for 3-D images from light-sheet-based fluorescence microscopy. IEEE Trans Image Process 21, 1863-1873. PUBMED
  • Voz, M.L., Coppieters, W., Manfroid, I., Baudhuin, A., Von, B.V., Charlier, C., Meyer, D., Driever, W., Martial, J.A., and Peers, B. (2012). Fast homozygosity mapping and identification of a zebrafish ENU-induced mutation by whole-genome sequencing. PLoS One 7, e34671. PUBMED
  • Belting, H.G., Wendik, B., Lunde, K., Leichsenring, M., Mossner, R., Driever, W., and Onichtchouk, D. (2011). Pou5f1 contributes to dorsoventral patterning by positive regulation of vox and modulation of fgf8a expression. Dev Biol 356, 323-336. PUBMED
  • Brockschmidt, A., Filippi, A., Charbel, I.P., Nelles, M., Urbach, H., Eter, N., Driever, W., and Weber, R.G. (2011). Neurologic and ocular phenotype in Pitt-Hopkins syndrome and a zebrafish model. Hum Genet 130, 645-655. PUBMED
  • Iwafuchi-Doi, M., Yoshida, Y., Onichtchouk, D., Leichsenring, M., Driever, W., Takemoto, T., Uchikawa, M., Kamachi, Y., and Kondoh, H. (2011). The Pou5f1/Pou3f-dependent but SoxB-independent regulation of conserved enhancer N2 initiates Sox2 expression during epiblast to neural plate stages in vertebrates. Dev Biol 352, 354-366. PUBMED
  • Tay, T.L., Ronneberger, O., Ryu, S., Nitschke, R., and Driever, W. (2011). Comprehensive catecholaminergic projectome analysis reveals single-neuron integration of zebrafish ascending and descending dopaminergic systems. Nat Commun 2, 171. PUBMED
  • Epting, D., Wendik, B., Bennewitz, K., Dietz, C.T., Driever, W., and Kroll, J. (2010). The Rac1 regulator ELMO1 controls vascular morphogenesis in zebrafish. Circ Res 107, 45-55. PUBMED
  • Filippi, A., Mahler, J., Schweitzer, J., and Driever, W. (2010). Expression of the paralogous tyrosine hydroxylase encoding genes th1 and th2 reveals the full complement of dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons in zebrafish larval and juvenile brain. J Comp Neurol 518, 423-438. PUBMED
  • Kastenhuber, E., Kratochwil, C.F., Ryu, S., Schweitzer, J., and Driever, W. (2010). Genetic dissection of dopaminergic and noradrenergic contributions to catecholaminergic tracts in early larval zebrafish. J Comp Neurol 518, 439-458. PUBMED
  • Mahler, J., Filippi, A., and Driever, W. (2010). DeltaA/DeltaD regulate multiple and temporally distinct phases of notch signaling during dopaminergic neurogenesis in zebrafish. J Neurosci 30, 16621-16635. PUBMED
  • Onichtchouk, D., Geier, F., Polok, B., Messerschmidt, D.M., Mossner, R., Wendik, B., Song, S., Taylor, V., Timmer, J., and Driever, W. (2010). Zebrafish Pou5f1-dependent transcriptional networks in temporal control of early development. Mol Syst Biol 6, 354. PUBMED


Publications 2005 - 2009Top - nach oben


  • Bader, H.L., Keene, D.R., Charvet, B., Veit, G., Driever, W., Koch, M., and Ruggiero, F. (2009). Zebrafish collagen XII is present in embryonic connective tissue sheaths (fascia) and basement membranes. Matrix Biol 28, 32-43.
  • Emmenlauer, M., Ronneberger, O., Ponti, A., Schwarb, P., Griffa, A., Filippi, A., Nitschke, R., Driever, W., and Burkhardt, H. (2009). XuvTools: free, fast and reliable stitching of large 3D datasets. J Microsc 233, 42-60.
  • Kastenhuber, E., Kern, U., Bonkowsky, J.L., Chien, C.B., Driever, W., and Schweitzer, J. (2009). Netrin-DCC, Robo-Slit, and heparan sulfate proteoglycans coordinate lateral positioning of longitudinal dopaminergic diencephalospinal axons. J Neurosci 29, 8914-8926.
  • ohr, H., Ryu, S., and Driever, W. (2009). Zebrafish diencephalic A11-related dopaminergic neurons share a conserved transcriptional network with neuroendocrine cell lineages. Development 136, 1007-1017.
  • Schweitzer, J., and Driever, W. (2009). Development of the dopamine systems in zebrafish. Adv Exp Med Biol 651, 1-14.
    Tiso, N., Filippi, A., Benato, F., Negrisolo, E., Modena, N., Vaccari, E., Driever, W., and Argenton, F. (2009). Differential expression and regulation of olig genes in zebrafish. J Comp Neurol 515, 378-396.
  • Isken, A., Golczak, M., Oberhauser, V., Hunzelmann, S., Driever, W., Imanishi, Y., Palczewski, K., and von, L.J. (2008). RBP4 disrupts vitamin A uptake homeostasis in a STRA6-deficient animal model for Matthew-Wood syndrome. Cell Metab 7, 258-268.
  • Lachnit, M., Kur, E., and Driever, W. (2008). Alterations of the cytoskeleton in all three embryonic lineages contribute to the epiboly defect of Pou5f1/Oct4 deficient MZspg zebrafish embryos. Dev Biol 315, 1-17.
  • Meng, S., Ryu, S., Zhao, B., Zhang, D.Q., Driever, W., and McMahon, D.G. (2008). Targeting retinal dopaminergic neurons in tyrosine hydroxylase-driven green fluorescent protein transgenic zebrafish. Mol Vis 14, 2475-2483.
  • Webb, A.E., Driever, W., and Kimelman, D. (2008). psoriasis regulates epidermal development in zebrafish. Dev Dyn 237, 1153-1164.
  • Brockschmidt, A., Todt, U., Ryu, S., Hoischen, A., Landwehr, C., Birnbaum, S., Frenck, W., Radlwimmer, B., Lichter, P., Engels, H., et al. (2007). Severe mental retardation with breathing abnormalities (Pitt-Hopkins syndrome) is caused by haploinsufficiency of the neuronal bHLH transcription factor TCF4. Hum Mol Genet 16, 1488-1494.
  • Filippi, A., Durr, K., Ryu, S., Willaredt, M., Holzschuh, J., and Driever, W. (2007). Expression and function of nr4a2, lmx1b, and pitx3 in zebrafish dopaminergic and noradrenergic neuronal development. BMC Dev Biol 7, 135.
  • Mahler, J., and Driever, W. (2007). Expression of the zebrafish intermediate neurofilament Nestin in the developing nervous system and in neural proliferation zones at postembryonic stages. BMC Dev Biol 7, 89.
  • Ryu, S., Mahler, J., Acampora, D., Holzschuh, J., Erhardt, S., Omodei, D., Simeone, A., and Driever, W. (2007). Orthopedia homeodomain protein is essential for diencephalic dopaminergic neuron development. Curr Biol 17, 873-880.
  • Webb, A.E., Sanderford, J., Frank, D., Talbot, W.S., Driever, W., and Kimelman, D. (2007). Laminin alpha5 is essential for the formation of the zebrafish fins. Dev Biol 311, 369-382.
  • Zecchin, E., Filippi, A., Biemar, F., Tiso, N., Pauls, S., Ellertsdottir, E., Gnugge, L., Bortolussi, M., Driever, W., and Argenton, F. (2007). Distinct delta and jagged genes control sequential segregation of pancreatic cell types from precursor pools in zebrafish. Dev Biol 301, 192-204.
  • Chapouton, P., Adolf, B., Leucht, C., Tannhauser, B., Ryu, S., Driever, W., and Bally-Cuif, L. (2006). her5 expression reveals a pool of neural stem cells in the adult zebrafish midbrain. Development 133, 4293-4303.
  • Durr, K., Holzschuh, J., Filippi, A., Ettl, A.K., Ryu, S., Shepherd, I.T., and Driever, W. (2006). Differential roles of transcriptional mediator complex subunits Crsp34/Med27, Crsp150/Med14 and Trap100/Med24 during zebrafish retinal development. Genetics 174, 693-705.
  • Ellertsdottir, E., Ganz, J., Durr, K., Loges, N., Biemar, F., Seifert, F., Ettl, A.K., Kramer-Zucker, A.K., Nitschke, R., and Driever, W. (2006). A mutation in the zebrafish Na,K-ATPase subunit atp1a1a.1 provides genetic evidence that the sodium potassium pump contributes to left-right asymmetry downstream or in parallel to nodal flow. Dev Dyn 235, 1794-1808.
  • Ettl, A.K., Holzschuh, J., and Driever, W. (2006). The zebrafish mutation m865 affects formation of dopaminergic neurons and neuronal survival, and maps to a genetic interval containing the sepiapterin reductase locus. Anat Embryol (Berl) 211 Suppl 1, 73-86.
  • Ryu, S., and Driever, W. (2006). Minichromosome maintenance proteins as markers for proliferation zones during embryogenesis. Cell Cycle 5, 1140-1142.
  • Ryu, S., Holzschuh, J., Mahler, J., and Driever, W. (2006). Genetic analysis of dopaminergic system development in zebrafish. J Neural Transm Suppl, 61-66.
  • Driever, W. (2005). Developmental biology: a message to the back side. Nature 438, 926-927.
  • Ryu, S., Holzschuh, J., Erhardt, S., Ettl, A.K., and Driever, W. (2005). Depletion of minichromosome maintenance protein 5 in the zebrafish retina causes cell-cycle defect and apoptosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 18467-18472.
  • Simons, M., Gloy, J., Ganner, A., Bullerkotte, A., Bashkurov, M., Kronig, C., Schermer, B., Benzing, T., Cabello, O.A., Jenny, A., et al. (2005). Inversin, the gene product mutated in nephronophthisis type II, functions as a molecular switch between Wnt signaling pathways. Nat Genet 37, 537-543.


Publications 2000 - 2004Top - nach oben


  • Barrallo-Gimeno, A., Holzschuh, J., Driever, W., and Knapik, E.W. (2004). Neural crest survival and differentiation in zebrafish depends on mont blanc/tfap2a gene function. Development 131, 1463-1477.
  • Bischof, J., and Driever, W. (2004). Regulation of hhex expression in the yolk syncytial layer, the potential Nieuwkoop center homolog in zebrafish. Dev Biol 276, 552-562.
  • Driever, W. (2004). The bicoid morphogen papers (II): account from Wolfgang Driever. Cell 116, S7-9, 2 p following S9.
  • Gnugge, L., Meyer, D., and Driever, W. (2004). Pancreas development in zebrafish. Methods Cell Biol 76, 531-551.
  • Lunde, K., Belting, H.G., and Driever, W. (2004). Zebrafish pou5f1/pou2, homolog of mammalian Oct4, functions in the endoderm specification cascade. Curr Biol 14, 48-55.
  • Holzschuh, J., Barrallo-Gimeno, A., Ettl, A.K., Durr, K., Knapik, E.W., and Driever, W. (2003a). Noradrenergic neurons in the zebrafish hindbrain are induced by retinoic acid and require tfap2a for expression of the neurotransmitter phenotype. Development 130, 5741-5754.
  • Holzschuh, J., Hauptmann, G., and Driever, W. (2003b). Genetic analysis of the roles of Hh, FGF8, and nodal signaling during catecholaminergic system development in the zebrafish brain. J Neurosci 23, 5507-5519.
  • Lampert, J.M., Holzschuh, J., Hessel, S., Driever, W., Vogt, K., and von, L.J. (2003). Provitamin A conversion to retinal via the beta,beta-carotene-15,15'-oxygenase (bcox) is essential for pattern formation and differentiation during zebrafish embryogenesis. Development 130, 2173-2186.
  • Leung, T., Bischof, J., Soll, I., Niessing, D., Zhang, D., Ma, J., Jackle, H., and Driever, W. (2003a). bozozok directly represses bmp2b transcription and mediates the earliest dorsoventral asymmetry of bmp2b expression in zebrafish. Development 130, 3639-3649.
  • Leung, T., Soll, I., Arnold, S.J., Kemler, R., and Driever, W. (2003b). Direct binding of Lef1 to sites in the boz promoter may mediate pre-midblastula-transition activation of boz expression. Dev Dyn 228, 424-432.
  • Momoi, A., Yoda, H., Steinbeisser, H., Fagotto, F., Kondoh, H., Kudo, A., Driever, W., and Furutani-Seiki, M. (2003). Analysis of Wnt8 for neural posteriorizing factor by identifying Frizzled 8c and Frizzled 9 as functional receptors for Wnt8. Mech Dev 120, 477-489.
  • Onichtchouk, D., Aduroja, K., Belting, H.G., Gnugge, L., and Driever, W. (2003). Transgene driving GFP expression from the promoter of the zona pellucida gene zpc is expressed in oocytes and provides an early marker for gonad differentiation in zebrafish. Dev Dyn 228, 393-404.
  • Yoda, H., Momoi, A., Esguerra, C.V., Meyer, D., Driever, W., Kondoh, H., and Furutani-Seiki, M. (2003). An expression pattern screen for genes involved in the induction of the posterior nervous system of zebrafish. Differentiation 71, 152-162.
  • Hauptmann, G., Belting, H.G., Wolke, U., Lunde, K., Soll, I., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Prince, V., and Driever, W. (2002). spiel ohne grenzen/pou2 is required for zebrafish hindbrain segmentation. Development 129, 1645-1655.
  • Belting, H.G., Hauptmann, G., Meyer, D., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Chitnis, A., Eschbach, C., Soll, I., Thisse, C., Thisse, B., Artinger, K.B., et al. (2001). spiel ohne grenzen/pou2 is required during establishment of the zebrafish midbrain-hindbrain boundary organizer. Development 128, 4165-4176.
  • Biemar, F., Argenton, F., Schmidtke, R., Epperlein, S., Peers, B., and Driever, W. (2001a). Pancreas development in zebrafish: early dispersed appearance of endocrine hormone expressing cells and their convergence to form the definitive islet. Dev Biol 230, 189-203.
  • Biemar, F., Devos, N., Martial, J.A., Driever, W., and Peers, B. (2001b). Cloning and expression of the TALE superclass homeobox Meis2 gene during zebrafish embryonic development. Mech Dev 109, 427-431.
  • Holzschuh, J., Ryu, S., Aberger, F., and Driever, W. (2001). Dopamine transporter expression distinguishes dopaminergic neurons from other catecholaminergic neurons in the developing zebrafish embryo. Mech Dev 101, 237-243.
  • Solnica-Krezel, L., and Driever, W. (2001). The role of the homeodomain protein Bozozok in zebrafish axis formation. Int J Dev Biol 45, 299-310.
  • Driever, W. (2000). Developmental biology. Bringing two hearts together. Nature 406, 141-142.
  • Kim, C.H., Oda, T., Itoh, M., Jiang, D., Artinger, K.B., Chandrasekharappa, S.C., Driever, W., and Chitnis, A.B. (2000). Repressor activity of Headless/Tcf3 is essential for vertebrate head formation. Nature 407, 913-916.
  • Niessing, D., Driever, W., Sprenger, F., Taubert, H., Jackle, H., and Rivera-Pomar, R. (2000). Homeodomain position 54 specifies transcriptional versus translational control by Bicoid. Mol Cell 5, 395-401.
  • Pogoda, H.M., Solnica-Krezel, L., Driever, W., and Meyer, D. (2000). The zebrafish forkhead transcription factor FoxH1/Fast1 is a modulator of nodal signaling required for organizer formation. Curr Biol 10, 1041-1049.
  • Saude, L., Woolley, K., Martin, P., Driever, W., and Stemple, D.L. (2000). Axis-inducing activities and cell fates of the zebrafish organizer. Development 127, 3407-3417.


Publications 1995 - 1999Top - nach oben


  • Artinger, K.B., Chitnis, A.B., Mercola, M., and Driever, W. (1999). Zebrafish narrowminded suggests a genetic link between formation of neural crest and primary sensory neurons. Development 126, 3969-3979.
  • Fekany, K., Yamanaka, Y., Leung, T., Sirotkin, H.I., Topczewski, J., Gates, M.A., Hibi, M., Renucci, A., Stemple, D., Radbill, A., et al. (1999). The zebrafish bozozok locus encodes Dharma, a homeodomain protein essential for induction of gastrula organizer and dorsoanterior embryonic structures. Development 126, 1427-1438.
  • Guo, S., Wilson, S.W., Cooke, S., Chitnis, A.B., Driever, W., and Rosenthal, A. (1999). Mutations in the zebrafish unmask shared regulatory pathways controlling the development of catecholaminergic neurons. Dev Biol 208, 473-487.
  • Malicki, J., and Driever, W. (1999). oko meduzy mutations affect neuronal patterning in the zebrafish retina and reveal cell-cell interactions of the retinal neuroepithelial sheet. Development 126, 1235-1246.
  • Drummond, I.A., Majumdar, A., Hentschel, H., Elger, M., Solnica-Krezel, L., Schier, A.F., Neuhauss, S.C., Stemple, D.L., Zwartkruis, F., Rangini, Z., et al. (1998). Early development of the zebrafish pronephros and analysis of mutations affecting pronephric function. Development 125, 4655-4667.
  • Knapik, E.W., Goodman, A., Ekker, M., Chevrette, M., Delgado, J., Neuhauss, S., Shimoda, N., Driever, W., Fishman, M.C., and Jacob, H.J. (1998). A microsatellite genetic linkage map for zebrafish (Danio rerio). Nat Genet 18, 338-343.
  • Marlow, F., Zwartkruis, F., Malicki, J., Neuhauss, S.C., Abbas, L., Weaver, M., Driever, W., and Solnica-Krezel, L. (1998). Functional interactions of genes mediating convergent extension, knypek and trilobite, during the partitioning of the eye primordium in zebrafish. Dev Biol 203, 382-399.
  • Raz, E., van, L.H.G., Schaerringer, B., Plasterk, R.H., and Driever, W. (1998a). Transposition of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Tc3 element in the zebrafish Danio rerio. Curr Biol 8, 82-88.
  • Raz, E., Zlokarnik, G., Tsien, R.Y., and Driever, W. (1998b). beta-lactamase as a marker for gene expression in live zebrafish embryos. Dev Biol 203, 290-294.
  • Abdelilah, S., and Driever, W. (1997). Pattern formation in janus-mutant zebrafish embryos. Dev Biol 184, 70-84.
    Driever, W., Solnica-Krezel, L., Abdelilah, S., Meyer, D., and Stemple, D. (1997). Genetic analysis of pattern formation in the zebrafish neural plate. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 62, 523-534.
  • Rodriguez, M., and Driever, W. (1997). Mutations resulting in transient and localized degeneration in the developing zebrafish brain. Biochem Cell Biol 75, 579-600.
  • Schier, A.F., Neuhauss, S.C., Helde, K.A., Talbot, W.S., and Driever, W. (1997). The one-eyed pinhead gene functions in mesoderm and endoderm formation in zebrafish and interacts with no tail. Development 124, 327-342.
  • Westerfield, M., Doerry, E., Kirkpatrick, A.E., Driever, W., and Douglas, S.A. (1997). An on-line database for zebrafish development and genetics research. Semin Cell Dev Biol 8, 477-488.
  • Abdelilah, S., Mountcastle-Shah, E., Harvey, M., Solnica-Krezel, L., Schier, A.F., Stemple, D.L., Malicki, J., Neuhauss, S.C., Zwartkruis, F., Stainier, D.Y., et al. (1996). Mutations affecting neural survival in the zebrafish Danio rerio. Development 123, 217-227.
  • Driever, W., and Fishman, M.C. (1996). The zebrafish: heritable disorders in transparent embryos. J Clin Invest 97, 1788-1794.
  • Driever, W., Solnica-Krezel, L., Schier, A.F., Neuhauss, S.C., Malicki, J., Stemple, D.L., Stainier, D.Y., Zwartkruis, F., Abdelilah, S., Rangini, Z., et al. (1996). A genetic screen for mutations affecting embryogenesis in zebrafish. Development 123, 37-46.
  • Knapik, E.W., Goodman, A., Atkinson, O.S., Roberts, C.T., Shiozawa, M., Sim, C.U., Weksler-Zangen, S., Trolliet, M.R., Futrell, C., Innes, B.A., et al. (1996). A reference cross DNA panel for zebrafish (Danio rerio) anchored with simple sequence length polymorphisms. Development 123, 451-460.
  • Malicki, J., Neuhauss, S.C., Schier, A.F., Solnica-Krezel, L., Stemple, D.L., Stainier, D.Y., Abdelilah, S., Zwartkruis, F., Rangini, Z., and Driever, W. (1996a). Mutations affecting development of the zebrafish retina. Development 123, 263-273.
  • Malicki, J., Schier, A.F., Solnica-Krezel, L., Stemple, D.L., Neuhauss, S.C., Stainier, D.Y., Abdelilah, S., Rangini, Z., Zwartkruis, F., and Driever, W. (1996b). Mutations affecting development of the zebrafish ear. Development 123, 275-283.
  • Moss, J.B., Price, A.L., Raz, E., Driever, W., and Rosenthal, N. (1996). Green fluorescent protein marks skeletal muscle in murine cell lines and zebrafish. Gene 173, 89-98.
  • Neuhauss, S.C., Solnica-Krezel, L., Schier, A.F., Zwartkruis, F., Stemple, D.L., Malicki, J., Abdelilah, S., Stainier, D.Y., and Driever, W. (1996). Mutations affecting craniofacial development in zebrafish. Development 123, 357-367.
  • Pack, M., Solnica-Krezel, L., Malicki, J., Neuhauss, S.C., Schier, A.F., Stemple, D.L., Driever, W., and Fishman, M.C. (1996). Mutations affecting development of zebrafish digestive organs. Development 123, 321-328.
  • Schier, A.F., Neuhauss, S.C., Harvey, M., Malicki, J., Solnica-Krezel, L., Stainier, D.Y., Zwartkruis, F., Abdelilah, S., Stemple, D.L., Rangini, Z., et al. (1996). Mutations affecting the development of the embryonic zebrafish brain. Development 123, 165-178.
  • Solnica-Krezel, L., Stemple, D.L., Mountcastle-Shah, E., Rangini, Z., Neuhauss, S.C., Malicki, J., Schier, A.F., Stainier, D.Y., Zwartkruis, F., Abdelilah, S., et al. (1996). Mutations affecting cell fates and cellular rearrangements during gastrulation in zebrafish. Development 123, 67-80.
  • Stainier, D.Y., Fouquet, B., Chen, J.N., Warren, K.S., Weinstein, B.M., Meiler, S.E., Mohideen, M.A., Neuhauss, S.C., Solnica-Krezel, L., Schier, A.F., et al. (1996). Mutations affecting the formation and function of the cardiovascular system in the zebrafish embryo. Development 123, 285-292.
  • Stemple, D.L., and Driever, W. (1996). Zebrafish: tools for investigating cellular differentiation. Curr Opin Cell Biol 8, 858-864.
  • Stemple, D.L., Solnica-Krezel, L., Zwartkruis, F., Neuhauss, S.C., Schier, A.F., Malicki, J., Stainier, D.Y., Abdelilah, S., Rangini, Z., Mountcastle-Shah, E., et al. (1996). Mutations affecting development of the notochord in zebrafish. Development 123, 117-128.
  • Weinstein, B.M., Schier, A.F., Abdelilah, S., Malicki, J., Solnica-Krezel, L., Stemple, D.L., Stainier, D.Y., Zwartkruis, F., Driever, W., and Fishman, M.C. (1996). Hematopoietic mutations in the zebrafish. Development 123, 303-309.
  • Yelick, P.C., Driever, W., Neuhauss, S., and Stashenko, P. (1996). Craniofacial cartilage development in zebrafish. Ann N Y Acad Sci 785, 360-361.
  • Brockerhoff, S.E., Hurley, J.B., Janssen-Bienhold, U., Neuhauss, S.C., Driever, W., and Dowling, J.E. (1995). A behavioral screen for isolating zebrafish mutants with visual system defects. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 92, 10545-10549.
  • Driever, W. (1995). Axis formation in zebrafish. Curr Opin Genet Dev 5, 610-618.
  • Solnica-Krezel, L., Stemple, D.L., and Driever, W. (1995). Transparent things: cell fates and cell movements during early embryogenesis of zebrafish. Bioessays 17, 931-939.
  • Weinstein, B.M., Stemple, D.L., Driever, W., and Fishman, M.C. (1995). Gridlock, a localized heritable vascular patterning defect in the zebrafish. Nat Med 1, 1143-1147.


Publications 1988 - 1994Top - nach oben


  • Abdelilah, S., Solnica-Krezel, L., Stainier, D.Y., and Driever, W. (1994). Implications for dorsoventral axis determination from the zebrafish mutation janus. Nature 370, 468-471.
  • Driever, W., Stemple, D., Schier, A., and Solnica-Krezel, L. (1994). Zebrafish: genetic tools for studying vertebrate development. Trends Genet 10, 152-159.
  • Solnica-Krezel, L., and Driever, W. (1994). Microtubule arrays of the zebrafish yolk cell: organization and function during epiboly. Development 120, 2443-2455.
  • Solnica-Krezel, L., Schier, A.F., and Driever, W. (1994). Efficient recovery of ENU-induced mutations from the zebrafish germline. Genetics 136, 1401-1420.
  • Burns, J.C., Friedmann, T., Driever, W., Burrascano, M., and Yee, J.K. (1993). Vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein pseudotyped retroviral vectors: concentration to very high titer and efficient gene transfer into mammalian and nonmammalian cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 90, 8033-8037.
  • Driever, W., and Rangini, Z. (1993). Characterization of a cell line derived from zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryos. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 29A, 749-754.
  • Driever, W., Siegel, V., and Nusslein-Volhard, C. (1990). Autonomous determination of anterior structures in the early Drosophila embryo by the bicoid morphogen. Development 109, 811-820.
  • Driever, W., Ma, J., Nusslein-Volhard, C., and Ptashne, M. (1989a). Rescue of bicoid mutant Drosophila embryos by bicoid fusion proteins containing heterologous activating sequences. Nature 342, 149-154.
  • Driever, W., and Nusslein-Volhard, C. (1989). The bicoid protein is a positive regulator of hunchback transcription in the early Drosophila embryo. Nature 337, 138-143.
  • Driever, W., Thoma, G., and Nusslein-Volhard, C. (1989b). Determination of spatial domains of zygotic gene expression in the Drosophila embryo by the affinity of binding sites for the bicoid morphogen. Nature 340, 363-367.
  • St, J.D., Driever, W., Berleth, T., Richstein, S., and Nusslein-Volhard, C. (1989). Multiple steps in the localization of bicoid RNA to the anterior pole of the Drosophila oocyte. Development 107 Suppl, 13-19.
  • Driever, W., and Nusslein-Volhard, C. (1988a). A gradient of bicoid protein in Drosophila embryos. Cell 54, 83-93.
  • Driever, W., and Nusslein-Volhard, C. (1988b). The bicoid protein determines position in the Drosophila embryo in a concentration-dependent manner. Cell 54, 95-104.


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